• Triyama's Profile on RentACoder
  • School / College Administration Package
  • Small Business' Rule Based Administration
  • Advocates and Solicitors Management Application
  • Cybercandy Internal Management Application (Client Specific)
  • Web Site Hosting and Email Hosting Services Infrastructure Development
  • Sponsored Projects:

Being an IT company, the main line of business for Triyama is to sell software and IT services. Besides making money, the Triyama management strongly believes in contributing (back) to the community (open source). In order to do this, Triyama sponsors projects to bright college students from reputed colleges through out the country and contributes their work (back) to open source. The following list narrates some of the projects which the college students have either worked on in the past or are currently working on:

  • Ware Housing
  • Online Reporting
  • Access Control Logic
  • Document Encrypter/Archiver
  • Triyama Assistant